by Shayla Nolan
July 22 thru October 15, 2023
By creating works based on traditional foundations with flair and material use commonly associated with craft, Shay aims to make viewers question the difference between "scholarly" fine art and emotion-based visual explorations, and the societal standards that divide the practice of creative expression.

Calling Me Home
April 22 thru July 16, 2023
Michael Wolf's work encompasses sculpture, installation, and drawing. Inspired by architectural forms, he uses them as a metaphor for the human experience. The desire for shelter physically and psychologically permeates his work. Wolf uses wood, stone, metal, and gold leaf to create contemporary art with an ongoing dialogue with history.

The Way I See It
January 28 thru March 31, 2023
June Fisher-Markowitz explores the subjects that most peak her interest through her watercolors. In her paintings, she seeks to uncover their hidden truths that can only be found in their abstracted visual expression.
Through a personal and process-oriented creative journey, she connects on a spiritual level with her work.